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Please visit my Blog for list of item descriptions and more.

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fun & decorative collars for your pets
the origins of Ursa Lunar

gallery of past designs for child dolls
gallery of past designs for 16 inch fashion dolls
collaborations with other artists & magazines/events my designs have been in
Customers' Pictures

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please visit my shop on Etsy ...

designs for BJDs

Please check my Blog for what is currently available.

I mainly sew for 57-60cm girls and 67-70cm boys.
Please also check of my Models page for measurements.
Thank you!

"Saint Nick"



calico corsets to go with D0llheart's wonderful "_ea Melody" underdresses

another version of "Saint Nick"

two of my girls in a velvet, knit & lace version of the "Francesca" dress

contributions to a Metrodolls charity auction

"Pumpkin Butts"

"Too Loose"

"Bier Maedchen"

"Swiss Girl" (aka the Francesca dress)

"Gloaming Gothika"

"Snow Daisy" & "In-Vest-Brrr"

"Tracy Bo-Peep"

"Vermont Winter"

the "Milagra" dress

"Little Merry Heart Shine" (click image for larger one with details)
for 2006 MetroDolls "Go Red For Women" Charity Auction

"Eliza Jane"

pink camo, oh yeah, I went there ...


my first attempts at BJD clothes were knits ... and thought this was a funny picture ...

1998-2009 Ursa Lunar (TM) - All Rights Reserved. All Images & Text Protected by Copyright