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(A brief history of why I sell on Etsy as well as my own site now.)

      In May 1999 I joined eB@y. For the first year or two I only bought, then I slowly started to sell, took a few a lumps and learned the ropes. As a seller I did everything I would like in a buyer; I shipped quickly, I communicated, I sent a quality product and I didn't overcharge on shipping. Selling on eB@y gave me the financial independence as a stay-at-home-mom that so many of us need to feel fulfilled, paid for my doll hobby ... and occasionally it even helped make ends wave at each other - whoo-hoo!
      Well, with the changes announced January 29, 2008 all of us small sellers who made eB@y the cool place to shop for the odd/unique/rare/vintage/antique/handmade items were told they weren't wanted - and worse, that the sounds of our protests were only "noise" (to add insult to injury).
      Being a crafter I am lucky, I can go to Etsy and sell there. I'd opened up a store there a year and a half before, but never got around to selling .... much to my chagrin - well, I am now! And so are a lot of other BJD-realted crafters, just put bjd in the search field and go!
      At any rate, I worked and was a good little do-bee to earn this feedback, so until I can wrangle up a respectable "I am trustworthy" cred elsewhere, here it stays.
      Image below is a link to whatever is on my current feedback page ... haven't bought there since the changes announcement (but mid-March 2008 needed to off-load some dolls, so had to suck it up and sell there one last time) ... so goodness knows what it will show come May when the feedback/DSR changes kick in. If you can't tell; my DSR/star ratings are 4.9, 4.9, 4.9 and 4.7 respectively at the time of this screen capture in early February 2008.

      Thanks for looking & reading!

my eBray FB just after the January 2008 change announcement

What I recently read here is why I would never want use eB@y again even if they change back to being a friendly place for
small sellers, and why I even am trying to phase out P@yPal - warning, it is GRAPHIC and heart-wrenching.

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